Wednesday 21 April 2021



Rao Raja Hanut Singh

If Bikaner laid the foundation of competitive rifle-shooting in India, then the credit for playing serious polo would surely go to another princely State of Rajputana. This was Jodhpur and the person who put India on the international polo map was none other than the raja himself, Rao Raja Hanut Singh.

The game of polo has a special significance in the world of sport. Here it is not a combat between man and man. Here the combat takes an altogether different significance. Man and horse combine to coordinate and combat. The understanding between the two living creatures is an example of ultimate civility of man and animal. It requires extreme mutual affection, understanding and respect between the pair to forge a winning partnership. The majesty of this equestrian sport has to be seen to be appreciated and admired. A stirring example would be Rana Pratap’s bonding with his equine partner Chaitak.

Polo is a game of kings. Exclusively for people who have the wealth and the leisure to devote to its niceties. Commoners, unless heavily sponsored, cannot even visualize actively participating in a game of polo.

To begin with, one needs to own a stable of horses, nothing less. Unless one is provided with a bevy of handsome horses, one cannot even think of becoming a polo player. The exclusivity of the sport of polo has a charm of its own. It was, to paraphrase a clichΓ©, designed by the rich, for the rich and of the rich. However no matter how fabulously wealthy one happens to be, one still has to learn and master the skills of the royal sport to become an international champion.

It was in such an environment that Hanut Singh was born and brought up. Through remarkable perseverance, the young prince prospered. The Jodhpur prince, who became the raja in his teens, was a genuine lover of horses. He knew how to take care and how to handle a colt. He was a man who appeared to be drawn to the lovely animal ever since he could crawl. Once a very young Hanu was supposed to have said, “Don’t call my mate an animal. He is a human being in a different form!” He could ride a horse backwards, it is claimed. Such was his mastery over horsemanship.

Ever since he began in his early teens, the Jodhpur prince Hanut Singh was a stickler for equipments. He would be very particular about its maintenance. With utmost care the Jodhpur prince would personally look after his mallets, trousers, riding-boots and every other tool of the trade. Not a single kit in the horse’s regalia would be out of place.

The word ‘jodhpurs’ in the English lexicon owes its origin to the Indian princely State of Jodhpur. Raja Hanut Singh’s team would wear trousers that were loose above the knee and tight from the knee to the ankle while riding. The design of the trousers became popular around the world as it was a great help to generations of horsemen. Thankfully the English language was quick to grasp its importance and magnanimously named those typical trousers ‘jodhpurs’ after the State of Jodhpur. Just goes to show the kind of thought and preparation that happen behind the scene for a sport to evolve.

The children of royalty have a very difficult time when they are young. They are hardly allowed to mix with their peers. They are perpetually sheltered to such an extent that they grow up without experiencing the pleasures of a normal childhood. Hanut was no exception. He spent his childhood not with other children but with the stallions and the mares at the palace stable.

As he saw his father Sir Pratap Singh – an excellent polo player cum coach – and other princely families play ‘chukkars’ of polo on the well-manicured palace lawns, the bright young boy kept his eyes and ears open. He learnt the techniques and the tricks of the sport at firsthand. He grasped the nuances of how to handle the mallet – a flexible wooden stick with a large wooden head – to strike a ball through close observation and constant application. He taught himself to become an exceptional polo player.

By the time he was in his teens, he gave enough indications of his outstanding potential. Now came the time for the exhibition on the ‘big’ stage. On the polo course the young raja was second to none. He spent hours at practice. Long hours, at times even alone. Nothing could deter him from his love of hitting the polo ball with a mallet while riding a steed.

At the polo festivals organized by the princely states all attention would be riveted to the young raja of impeccable ability. Hanut Singh of Jodhpur had arrived. The young man led his Jodhpur team to victory in 1921 over Patiala. This was a special occasion because Patiala was considered almost invincible at the time with the top players of the country in its team. Victory followed victory with Rao Raja Hanut Singh now in his elements.

In time even a princely State like Jodhpur was no longer able to afford to play polo in its own territory. Jaipur took the opportunity to request Hanut Singh to come and lead the Jaipur team. In later years almost all his achievements were for the Jaipur maharaja’s team.

It is commonly mentioned that his best years were between the two world wars. So be it. But what is to be noted is that even after India had gained independence the influence of Hanut Singh as a player had not diminished. He was not only a player now but also a coach and mentor to all those who played polo.

Around this time the Indian armed forces personnel were fortunate to have the opportunity and the facilities to take part in polo contests. In time thanks to the patronage extended by the armed forces, the sport of polo was able to survive and prosper.

 By 1956 Hanut Singh was well past his prime when he actually helped his India team – Indian Polo Association – to win the world cup at Deanrilla in France. To prove it was no fluke his team repeated the victory the following year as well! By any standard of reckoning this was a magnificent performance. To win the world title twice in succession in any sporting endeavour is certainly an issue of awesome importance.

Hanut Singh was an extrovert with a dashing approach to life as well as to the game. He believed in aggression, all-out aggression. He believed in team-work and was known to say, “Team work means not only your partners but the equine mates as well.” He laid special emphasis on team meetings when team meetings were not in fashion. He could be blunt, very blunt. He would not allow any kind of slackness, not even from seniors. He was a very hard task-master. As tough on himself as he was on others.

Even at 66 he was considered a maestro. He took a team of three young players to Europe and won all the tournaments including the coveted Cowdrey Gold Cup. In December 1965 Hanut Singh achieved an unique distinction. His two sons and his 13 year old grandson played in various tournaments alongside him at the famous Ellenborough course beside The Strand in Calcutta. Three generations playing together? Some rare achievement certainly.

What is not generally understood is the contribution of Hanut Singh to the very exclusive world of polo. Nations far and wide over the years have taken his assistance as coach. He most surely is the first among Indians to coach foreign teams. He was very deservingly given the honour to be the manager and coach of the British Commonwealth team. This was another rare achievement indeed.

Today polo is a ‘discontinued sport’ in the Olympic Games. But if India had taken part before independence then Hanut Singh and his team would surely have brought honours to the nation. Unfortunately that was not to be.

Initially the Government of India did not realize the importance and the stature of Hanut Singh. He was overlooked for the prestigious Arjuna Award from 1961 to 1964. In 1965 thankfully someone sensible and of influence realized the gross injustice done to a prominent Indian sportsman. The mistake was quickly rectified. In the 1965 honours list the name of Rao Raja Hanut Singh appeared. Some thought he might refuse it for the delayed thought.

Thankfully the ‘hot-blooded man’ had developed a cool head with age. He accepted the citation in his usual grand style. He left no one in any doubt that polo was an international sport of renown and that twice he had led his country to the championship title.

The magnificent performer Rao Raja Hanut Singh’s contribution to India’s sports cause should not be forgotten. But lolling in the quagmire of corruption and worse, do we have the heart, the inclination or the time to think and reward these magnificent sportsmen? Why not some posthumous award to cover our abject indifference and ignorance?



  1. Very well written indeed. informative.hats off to you Raju for providing such interesting articles which are very educative.He was rightly awarded Padma Bhushan in 1958

    1. Very grateful to you. Pranay, for the compliments. More so for the additional and relevant inputs.Please do keep reading and responding. God bless you and your family.

  2. Brilliantly articulated and at the same time telling the establishment of their gross incompetence and will to honour such heroes, in a subtle way.

  3. Simply outstanding πŸ‘! Enjoyed it immensely πŸ‘Œ. Just fabulous πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘! ! πŸ™

    1. Thanks, Ashok, for your compliments as well as for sharing. God bless.
